Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's Happening.....

This year Mrs. Noren's block 3 year round Biology 11 class is learning about the classification of living things, and information about those living things. Right now they are studying the Phylum Porifera. All units are studied in preparation to the 3 dissection the students will be doing; worm, squid and frog. These pictures were all taken on February 11, 2009.

Students do most of their learning from the given notes and from the textbook. In this photo a student is reading the textbook in preparation of writing her Cornell notes.

Cornell notes is a method of notes all biology students use while in Mrs. Noren's class. In Cornell notes you divide your page in half and write a question on one side and the answer in note from on the other side. These notes have been proven more effective than regular notes and are the staple to the Biology 11 course.

In Mrs. Noren's class questions are welcomed and asked often. Biology is a difficult subject to learn and in her class asking questions are a large part of the learning system. The class room environment also very welcoming making students feel comfortable with asking any questions.


  1. This is right in step with Darwin's Anniversary of Natural Selection! Good posting.

  2. This goes right in step with Darwinism and theory of Natural Selection. A good and informative posting!
